What We Do
NEMO AAA coordinates services for individuals to help them maintain their desired level of independence. Services include advocacy, caregiver support, elder abuse awareness, health & wellness programs, in-home services, meal programs, and socialization.
NEMO AAA also participates in national programs, including the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP), which aims to enhance aging-related education and geriatric-focused assessments, including a self-reported Rapid Caregiver Well-Being Scale. The Health Resources and Services Administration funds the GWEP. Other federally funded programs include Senior Medicare Patrol, Medicare Improvements, for Patients and Providers Act, and Benefit Enrollment Center are available to eligible adults.

Caregiver Resources
The Family Caregiver Program program allows agency staff to provide resource information and support to enable the caregiver to remain engaged at any level in their caregiving role.
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An individual 18 or older providing “informal” care to a person aged 60 or older OR an individual of any age with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorder.
How the Program Works:
Once a referral is made, NEMO AAA contracted providers coordinate a home visit to assess needs and eligibility for requested services. Services are available on a limited basis and intended to provide assistance with activities of daily living in all 16-counties. Services are also dependent on funding and staffing availability.
Caregiver Recognition:
Do you know someone who stepped into the role of an unpaid caregiver who has made a difference in another person’s life? You can recognize their efforts and celebrate the difference they made by nominating them for the Missouri Caregiver of the Month through the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Caregivers | Senior & Disability Services | Health & Senior Services (
Additional Resource:
Missouri Caregiver Program – Community Asset Builders (

Information and Referral Assistance
NEMO AAA staff are qualified professionals available to assist Missourians in remaining in their community, maintaining independence, and helping access long-term services and support while providing person-centered options.
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NEMO AAA serves individuals 60 or older, 18 or older living with a disability, caregivers, veterans, or anyone calling on their behalf.
Connect with one of our staff Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or connect online at our website by sending us a message in the contact form.

In-Home Services
NEMO AAA contracts with local providers to deliver homemaker, personal care, and respite services to eligible individuals in their residences.
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Individuals 60 years or older who live within our 16-county service area.
How the Program Works:
Once a referral is made, NEMO AAA contracted providers coordinate a home visit to assess needs and eligibility for requested services. Services are available on a limited basis and intended to provide assistance with activities of daily living in all 16-counties. Services are also dependent on funding and staffing availability.
Services include:
Basic household chores, including laundry
Meal preparation
Shopping for personal items
Personal care services, including bathing, dressing, and grooming

Legal Services
NEMO AAA contracts with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri to prioritize legal assistance related to income, health care, long-term care, nutrition, housing, utilities, protective services, and discrimination.
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Residents residing in NEMO AAA’s 16-county service delivery area who are aged 60 or older and the income guidelines.
How the Program Works:
NEMO AAA contracts with Legal Services of Eastern Missouri to provide free legal assistance once a referral has been made. Referrals can be made through the NEMO AAA office or by privately contacting Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. Programming is based on the availability of funding.
Services include:
Unfair debt collection
Landlord-tenant issues
Beneficiary deeds
Medicare/Medicaid/Medical assistance programs/SSA retirement/SSA disability/Veterans
Guardianship/Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare or general purpose
Toll-free number: 800-444-0514
Link to website: Hannibal Office – Legal Services of Eastern Missouri (

Congregate Meals
NEMO AAA contracts with senior centers located in its 16-county service delivery area to provide nutritious meals and socialization opportunities. Senior centers are often a focal point for older adults in their community.
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Individuals 60 or older, spouses of an eligible individual, and in certain situations, adults with disabilities.
How the Program Works:
Senior Centers directors and staff ask each consumer to complete an intake form annually. All menus are approved by a registered dietitian and follow standard nutrition guidelines. Menus are typically posted on each senior center’s social media sites and in their center. Most centers are open five days a week.
Each senior center sets its suggested meal price. Paying for a meal is not required, but consumers have the right to contribute to the cost of their meal.

Home-Delivered Meal
NEMO AAA contracts out home-delivered meal services in the 16-county service delivery area to homebound individuals who benefit from nutrition services.
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ininHome-delivered meals are provided in three ways:
- Hot meal delivery
- Cold and/or Frozen meal delivery
- Carryout and/or curbside delivery
All meals must meet required nutritional standards and be approved by a registered dietician.
Individuals 60 or older who meet the definition of homebound, spouse of an eligible individual, and under certain circumstances, individuals 18-59 who are considered disabled. Some counties may have a waiting list for home-delivered meals.
How the Program Works:
NEMO AAA coordinates delivery through senior centers in each of our 16 counties. Senior Center contractors must register each consumer and complete a nutritional assessment before providing services. Home-delivered meals are provided daily and consist of hot, cold, or frozen meals within their specific service delivery area. Distance from the senior center and ability to maintain required food temperatures have a direct impact on how far meals are delivered. For those needing nutrition services on weekends, cold or frozen meals are provided on Fridays.
Consumers are offered the opportunity to contribute to their meal delivery service. Contributions are not required, but are encouraged if possible.
Additional Resources:
American Heart Association,, 1-800-242-8721
American Diabetes Association,, 1-800-342-2383
Feeding America: U.S. Hunger Relief Organization,, 1-800-771-2303
U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA MyPlate,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Nutrition for Older Adults,…ge/older-individuals

Long-Term Care Ombudsman
NEMO AAA contracts with VOYCE to advocate on behalf of people residing in a residential care, assisted living facility, or skilled nursing facility to protect and improve the quality of life of each resident.
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Individuals 60 years of age or older and/or individuals 18-59 years of age with a disability residing in assisted living or a residential or long-term care facility.
How the Program Works:
The ombudsman advocates for residents’ rights, advocates for change, identifies problems, and visits with residents. Additionally, they provide education for family members and facility staff. Contact NEMO AAA for assistance or contact VOYCE directly to learn more about their programs and services.
Additional Resource:
Ombudsman Program – VOYCE (

NEMO AAA provides funding to OATS Transit to ensure that older adults have safe and reliable access to transportation for routine shopping and medical appointments in all 16 counties.
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- Click here to learn more about the available routes in your county:
- Click here for specific information regarding public transportation in Kirksville: City of Kirksville – Kirk-Tran (

Today, older adults are more vulnerable than ever to being victims of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or financial exploitation. To report suspected abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or financial exploitation of a person 60 years of age or older or an adult aged 18–59 with a disability, contact the Adult Protective Services Hotline at 1-800-392-0210 or file a report at

Health & Wellness
The Health and wellness programs provide consumers with information and opportunities to participate in evidence-based programs that address topics of chronic disease, fall prevention, cognitive impairment, and improving nutrition.
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Individuals 60 or older or the spouse of an eligible adult.
How the Program Works:
Evidence-based programming provides specific classes and program opportunities that require special training and commitment to maintaining the fidelity of the program curriculum. NEMO AAA offers several programs and continues to research new opportunities for the future. Currently, available programs are
- A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falling
- Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)
- Walk with Ease
- Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (Better Choices, Better Health)
Classes are of no cost. Participants are encouraged to make contributions towards these activities. Contact us today at 660-665-4682 or email: