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Essential Tips for Seniors to Stay Safe and Hydrated in Hot Weather
Summer brings longer days, warmer temperatures, and a chance to enjoy the outdoors. However, for seniors, the heat can...
State-Wide Needs Assessment Launch
The State of Missouri has partnered with Polco, a leader in the field of civic engagement and surveying, to conduct...
How to Recognize Different Types of Elder Abuse
June is National Elder Abuse Awareness Month, a time to shine a light on this serious social problem. Millions of...
Celebrating Older Americans Month: Honoring Contributions and Building Connections
Every May, the United States observes Older Americans Month (OAM). This national tribute recognizes the invaluable...
All You Need to Know about National Volunteer Week
National Volunteer Week reminds us of the value of selflessness and community engagement, showcasing the invaluable...
Announcing Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging’s Brand New Facility and Town Hall Updates
Welcome to Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging (NEMO AAA), where every corner is filled with the spirit of...
Introducing Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging
As individuals age, they often encounter challenges that require specific assistance and support. In Missouri, the...
You’ve Got This. We’ve Got You.
Vaccinations are important in reducing risk for preventable diseases and serious illnesses such as seasonal influenza...