Who We Are
The agency serves 16 counties in Northeast Missouri and works with a variety of service providers to coordinate existing services and stimulate new ones. Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging is a private, not-for-profit corporation providing services with a combination of federal, state, and local funds. NEMO Area Agency on Aging does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or handicap. The Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for policymaking, which must coincide with State and Federal Regulations. Board Members are elected to represent the elderly in the 16-county service delivery area of Northeast Missouri.
- Adair
- Clark
- Knox
- Lewis
- Lincoln
- Macon
- Marion
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Pike
- Ralls
- Randolph
- Schuyler
- Scotland
- Shelby
- Warren

Our Board of Directors
Andrea “Andy” Jackson, Chairman
Luke Rothweiler, Treasurer
Linda Wallace, Vice-Chairman
Peggy Hills, Secretary
Patricia Miller
Carol Ragar
Kathy Lacky
Linda Ellis
Carmen Schulze
Meet Our Staff Members
Debbie Blessing, Executive Director
Kristin Borders, Fiscal Manager
Leigha Mayfield, Contract Manager/Medicaid Specialist
Kay Rowlison, Information & Referral Assistant